Tuesday, April 12

The Great Escape...

We got back from the beach yesterday late afternoon to a grueling 90 degrees her in DC. We had nice beach weather and enjoyed our time as family. It was nice though to get back to our own house and settle back in early before our week started. It took a few hours to unpack the car and set up all the meds for Madeline but we did it.

Last night was a tough transition for Madeline since she was having so much fun at the beach. It was one of those nights that she wasn't too interested in going to to bed at all. In fact, lately this has been a favorite of hers- not wanting to go to bed. She will scream, gag herself, and do whatever it takes to either have two things happen. One, she gets to stay up and not go to sleep with us or two, she gets to sleep in our bed.

Yes, this all started when Madeline turned 2. She has discovered that joining her parents in bed at 11:30 at night ( or possibly later on a weekday!) is just how she likes to fall asleep these days. This method I must admit was not the best, BUT she would peacefully agree to fall asleep with us rather than carry on in her crib, thus allowing US TO GET SOME SLEEP. It was hard not to accept that this wasn't the best way if we could actually sleep...

Fast forward til a few weeks ago...Madeline had decided one night that she didn't want to go to sleep at all- not in her crib or with us in our bed. Oh, the dread...This has continued on and off for our nightly routine with her. We have seen her casually place her foot over the crib railing as if she was going to hop on out. This of course got Jack and I thinking about what we needed to baby proof in her room and of course, would she ever actually escape on her own? We contemplated converting her crib to a toddler bed and all the endless possibilities but decided that it wasn't time yet. I mean, she wouldn't actually hop over her crib this soon....

YES. She would. She did just that last night.

The night was playing out like usual. She didn't want to go to sleep in her crib. We gave her some toys, shut her door (thank goodness she doesn't know how to open "lever" style door knobs yet!), continued our unpacking ritual. It was fairly quiet and not much noise was coming from the monitor until....


It sounded as though someone dropped a piece of furniture and it hit the upstairs floor. I looked at Jack and said, "What is THAT?!" We both shot each other looks of panic because really deep down inside we know what that was!!!!

Silence followed by screaming...

Madeline was laying on the ground just in front of her crib screaming. She had taken the plunge only it took only about 10 seconds before she was off playing with all the toys in her room. Clearly she had a mission and it was accomplished. She was so happy to be amongst her toys. Can you see why she was aiming for that hard floor? Look at what she wanted.......

Moments after she made her escape. Can you see how happy she is that she succeeded?!

Happy as can be now that I have my toys....

This was our sign that our little baby girl is growing up. We will spend most of tonight baby proofing her room and converting her crib to a toddler bed. The order is already in for her new twin bed.

Suddenly my escape artist is feeling accomplished and grown up now, and I am just thinking....
where did all the time go?

She even wanted to help her Daddy install safety locks!

(DISCLAIMER: Madeline by far is a perfectionist when it comes to doing things. So, it should be stated that she does not attempt anything, until she feels like she has a clear idea of how she can succeed. She will plan it out, learn more about it, but will not do the act until she has it mastered. She spent many nights putting her legs over the railings of that crib figuring out her much needed escape. But never did she try it until she knew she would succeed. Well she succeeded and once that happens she becomes her own master. She will continue to show off her skills over and over again. She has clearly demonstrated this pattern with walking, stacking blocks, talking, etc. We have an official escape artist on our hands who is just waiting to refine her skills over and over again!)

I am holding on for dear life!   ;)


  1. Woah spookily I just commented on your last post about how quickly she was growing up! Obviously sensed something :D

    Soph thumped out of her cot like that and we had to put her into her toddler bed as my nerves couldn't handle it. We put one of those safety guards on the side so she couldn't roll out but the gap at the bottom was enough for her to escape safely.

    Good luck sandy, the real fun is about to begin!!


  2. LOL that is funny. 90 in DC? I woke up to snow this morning. ARGGGG


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