Thursday, October 27

Running for a Cure....

We have always been extremely grateful for family and friends that give yearly to the CF Foundation in hopes of finding a cure for Cystic Fibrosis to help Madeline and others life a full life.  When Madeline was diagnosed with CF around 2 months we knew we would need people around us to help us through this  journey. Never though had we imagined then what others would do to help support Madeline's disease in the ways they have in the past few years.....

Shortly after moving to our new house in February of this year, we one of our new neighbors.  Just a few months later those same neighbors had already signed up to walk the local CF Great Strides Event in support of Madeline. We were amazed at how our new friends has dedicated their Saturday  to walk for Madeline's cause even though they had recently met us and learned about Madeline's CF.  This is when we came to really know the Morrison Family...

Phil with his family. (The Morrison Family)

And since the CF walk in May  of this year, we have come to know them not only as our neighbors but also as our good friends....

In September, our family got a call from Phil saying that he wanted to run the Marine Corp. Marathon in support of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and Madeline's cause. It meant to much to us that the Morrison Family chose to support the CFF while Phil runs the marathon.

This Sunday, Phil will run the  marathon around and through DC supporting those with Cystic Fibrosis.
We couldn't  be more grateful for all his thoughtfulness  and hard work to help those with CF just like Madeline. There are only a few more days left to donate. Please help us and help Phil meet his goal as he runs to support an AMAZING cause.

Click here to donate!

GO PHIL!!!!!!!
(A big thanks to everyone who has already supported Phil  and the CFF by donating! )

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